Felicia Day, geek mom came to the mile high city and answered audience questions at Denver Comic Con 2017. During her 45min panel at Denver Comic Con 2017, Felicia Day regaled audience members with stories of what it’s like being a mom, crazy fan encounters, details of being on sets, and other geeky stories. Below is a transcription of her panel from Saturday, July 1, 2017. Hope you guys enjoy!
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Look for my booth at the con! Hope to see some of you all there! Don’t forget to look for the official Fort Collins Comic Con commemorative pin. I will donate a percentage of their sale to the Poudre River Public Library District.

Convention Season is here!
Having been attended conventions for many years now, one of my first was StarFest back in 2002, I’ve come to realize that there are just some things I cannot live without…as a con-attendee that is. Now, my experience has been attending local conventions as a vanilla guest. The list for out of town conventions, Cosplay attendee, and as a vendor will vary, but those are for another day. So, here is my local Comic Con (and other scifi/fantasy/pop culture convention) Survival Guide.
Continue reading Convention Survival Guide